Railways, Airports, Highways and Smart Cities.


India has requirement of investment of INR 50 Trillion($777 billion) in infrastructure by 2025 to have sustainable development in the country. Initiatives like “Housing for all” and “Smart City Mission” will direct the growth of this sector. Additionally India is 7th largest country in the world; has one of the longest coastal areas in the world and has largest population in the world.

Therefore India has world’s largest railway and road infrastructure that is continuously expanding along with ever increasing energy needs and dependence on oil and gas.

Government of India is investing heavily in all the transportation routes i.e Land, water and sea in order to meet the growing demand of economy.

Our’s Vast Expertise
at Your Disposal

Nortech Trinity service offer is comprehensive,
and above all, it is always fine-tuned to best meet your needs.

Nortech Trinity is looking forward to represent companies, who have expertise in Railways, Airports, Ports, Metros, Highways and Smart Cities :

  • To provide security and surveillance using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of things (IOT) in Railways, Airports, Ports, Metros, Highways and Smart Cities.
  • To introduce products like Electric Buses for a SMART CITY initiative.
  • Maintenance and commissioning of Independent Projects for Waste Management, Water Treatment and Purification System, Solar plants, LED plants for sustainable development of the city.
  • Railway Tunnelling

Nortech Trinity additional services are :

  • Nortech Trinity with the usage of its proprietary technology and expertise in AI, IOT and robotics can help Ports, Terminals or Harbours in : -
    1. Breakwater Inspection
    2. Jetty Inspection
    3. Wharf Inspection
    4. Riser Inspection
    5. Dredging Support
    6. Pre-Dredging Obstacles Survey
  • Maintenance and up gradation of refineries
  • Industrial facilities and pipelines
  • Joint Venture & Co-Ownership.
  • To invest and participate in projects and companies independently or in partnership with real and legal persons.
  • To participate in governmental and non-governmental tenders and bids.
  • Contact us

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